STOP Starting Over!
I am one of those people that have to start my workout regime over and over because life gets too "busy". Do you want to stop creating this cycle like me? Well, here are three major tips that have helped me along the way and have helped me KICK those excuses to the side.
First off, make time in your schedule to work out. Our biggest excuse for not working out is not having time. We all know we have time but we just don't make time because we get exhausted from our day. In order for us to perform at our best, we have to relieve some stress from our day through working out to release endorphins, which make us happy.
If you don't enjoy working out at the gym then find a scenic trail to go on. If you can't afford a membership then there are plenty of workout routines to Youtube! STOP with the excuses and get you a** out there! After figuring out what workouts are perfect for you or workout time you can fit in your schedule, the next step is to eat healthy.
Have you ever heard of the saying "You are what you eat"? Well my friends, it's true. Your body is something that you need to invest time for. Eating healthy can decrease your risk for future diseases or illnesses. With today's society always posting what they eat on social media, it is hard to eat healthy because you find so many great spots to eat. This is where will power comes in. You need to have the will power to say no to the foods that don't help you reach your goals and yes to the ones that give you energy and so many other health benefits.
The last tip is to set a GOAL. What helps me, and may help for you, is to set an end goal with weekly goals. Obviously, many women want to lose weight and men what to gain muscle. Women can set a goal as to how they want to look (realistically please!) and then think about how they can reach that goal through each week. Same can go for men as well but with gaining muscle. It could be reaching a certain time while running 3miles or a new PR while deadlifting. Everyone is different so it is up to you to set your own goals to get to the end result that you want.
If you need any more help to get your mindset on the right start, here is a link below to assist you. Have fun!